Pay Equity Regression Tool

Overview of Solution

Our Pay Equity Regression Tool is a cutting-edge, proprietary tool that Sentinel Pay Analytics has developed to provide in-depth analysis of pay equity based on individual, and combined personnel characteristics.


Pay Equity Regression Software - Walkthrough Part 1 & 2

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User Friendly Interface

Manage your account with ease with our user-friendly Client Dashboard. Your portal is customizable for your organization and will help you generate data templates, create pay equity reports, manage your account and even request support from our team of pay equity experts. Get started today.

PRODUCT Highlights



Provides all applicable analysis required to determine the pay equity health of your organization



Allows you to easily identify any outliers or potential risk related to your pay equity



Presents data in a clear layout which allows you to visually assess the findings in your pay equity report



Reporting is fully customizable to your organization based on your desired outcome of pay equity analysis



Compares employees within each cohort of your organization for every custom demographic created in the report


Your information and data is securely managed on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud for ease of mind



Interactive Reports- Customize Your View

4 Step Approach

Sentinel Pay Analytics follows a 4-step approach in order to help organization assess their current state of pay equity, remediate any issues with their pay equity health, and help them establish a sustainable fair-pay compensation model.

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First - we gather your payroll information including all demographics of employees that will be part of the pay equity analysis.

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Second - we upload the data into our Pay Equity Regression Tool to generate the report which will allow us to easily identify any biases or trends that need to be addressed

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Third - we will provide expert analysis of our findings to put together a plan of action / recommendations required to resolve any pay equity issues found in your report analysis

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Fourth - we will help you implement any tools that will help bring your organization into a sustainable state of fair-pay practices (re-alignment of pay levels, job descriptions, etc.)

Ready to take the next Step?